As part of our ongoing series of reading enrichment activities this year, we were thrilled to welcome renowned children's author Jane Huong on March 7th. Ms. Huong, a British author based in Hong Kong, has written several popular books for young readers.
The event kicked off with two of our students captivating the audience by reading aloud from Ms. Huong's enchanting tale, "The Clever Judge." Ms. Huong then delivered a captivating talk, sharing her personal experiences and providing valuable insights into her creative process.
An engaging and interactive question and answer session ensued, with students actively participating and interacting with our esteemed guest. They posed thought-provoking questions about Ms. Huong's story ideas and the inspiration behind her work. Patiently, Ms. Huong addressed each inquiry, allowing students to delve deeper into her book and the art of writing.
The author's visit not only captivated our young readers but also ignited a newfound passion for literature. Students gained a profound appreciation for the imaginative process of storytelling. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Ms. Huong for graciously sharing her time and talents with our school community. Events like these exemplify the sheer delight of reading and the pursuit of knowledge.

爲讓全校同學對健康生活有更全面的了解及培養正向態度,2023 年 10 月 9 日至 20 日,佛化價值教育科、體育科、膳食服務科、應用學習科,及健康管理與社會關懷科舉行了為期兩星期的「學術雙週﹕健康生活」聯課活動。
透過不同學科的合作,學生從多方面認識維持個人身心健康的方法。同學透過閲讀各科推介的文章和書籍,及觀看相關影片,完成學習活動,培養正向面對生活的態度。除此之外,為令同學更投入是次活動,各科更配合主題,製作了不同的攤位活動及街頭健身活動, 讓同學積極參與,身心都投入遊戲與活動當中,並贏得豐富獎品,身體力行體現健康生活的目標。


一連兩日的2024香港田徑系列賽已經圓滿結束,本校田徑隊派出四位成員,包括:詹熙琳、劉妍 、陸連心及胡欣兒出戰女子公開組4x100米接力;並與泰國隊(冠軍)及香港隊(亞軍)競技,本校同學憑著平日堅毅的努力和苦練,最終取得(季軍)殊榮。

本校張慶捷同學憑藉著他的原創科幻小說《遺跡的曙光》,於第26屆香港青少年科技大賽科幻小說(高中組)項目中贏得了雙重殊榮,包括:科幻小說(高中組)「趣味新思」專項獎 及 優異獎。



Buddhist Ho Nam Kam College


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