2023-24 Mathematics MOI Activity Day

Mathematics MOI Activity Day was held on 24 April in our school covered playground.  During lunch hour, the students from Form 1 to Form 3 became challengers to enjoy a curriculum-aligned game-based activity which is a card game calculating "24" or “1”. The basic gameplay of the game is to add and subtract, multiply, and divide 4 numbers (1 to 10) to calculate the number 24 or 1. Each number can only be used once, and parentheses and brackets can be used in the operation. There can be more than one answer. The more fun will be found in the number combinations from 1 to 10.  The less time you have to complete, the higher you will be on the list.
數學科以英語為教學話言的活動日(MOI Activity Day) 於4月24日在本校的有蓋操場舉行。

2023-2024 MOI Activity – Business Fundamental

F.2 students enjoyed a visit to the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) Information Centre on 10th April, 2024.  During the guided tour, they learnt about the history of money and banking in Hong Kong, though which is not easy for them to understand.  They found that the Hong Kong currencies are more interesting than they thought.  There is a main theme behind different banknotes, and the features used to help blind people to distinguish different banknotes are so amazing.
Also, the view on the 55th floor is spectacular.  Some of them were scared to stand by the window.
中二級學生於2024年4月10日參觀香港金融管理局(金管局)資訊中心。 同學們對貨幣的歷史及銀行體系有更深入的認識。不同的紙幣背後都有一個主旋律,他們發現港幣比他們想像的更有趣。而用來幫助盲人區分不同紙幣的功能真是太神奇了。

23-24學年 學生支援組---讀寫訓練系列小組


香港青少年田徑分齡賽早前圓滿結束,本校田徑隊共派出六位同學,包括:翟柏愷、陸連心、曾煒霖、黎杰良、林俊傑、黃梓康出賽。其中黃梓康同學代表愉園體育會出戰男子U18 4×100米接力賽,獲得冠軍佳績。 






Buddhist Ho Nam Kam College


Address: 3, Ko Chiu Road, Yau Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

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