21-22 English Teachers:
001. Mr. Chiu Hon Kwong (Subject Panel)
002. Ms. Chan Ka Wing
003. Ms. Cheng Sau Chun
004. Ms. Fan Yuet Chun (Junior-form Subject Panel)
005. Mr. Lau Chi Fai
006. Ms. Law Wai Kwan 
007. Mr. Lou Chak Ming, Ernest (Native English Teacher)
008. Mr. Lui Kwan Ming
009. Ms. Ng Siu Man 
010. Ms. Siu Suk Fan 
011. Ms. Tsang Sze Man
012. Ms. Wong King Yue 
013. Ms. Yan Shuk Har 
014. Ms. Yiu Tai Lin

Champion: 1A (2)

The Form One Choral Speaking Competition was held on the 27th of May 2013 this academic year. Each class had to choose one thematic topic for their performance.

All of the F.1 students participated in this event without hesitation, under the guidance of their English subject teachers. Besides, all the winners showed their enthusiasm for choral speaking. This is a great honor for our students.

photo 4

In order to strengthen and reinforce our students’ English ability, we launched an enrichment course for selected F.4 & F.5 students from the 15th October 2012 to the 21st November 2012 in Stage 1 as well as the 4th March 2013 to the 13th May 2013 in Stage 2.

During the whole training course, we focused on their vocabulary bank by learning word formation mechanisms and cultivating the good habit of learning new words in daily life. Meanwhile, the reading and writing activities have facilitated them well in language development.

Because of the course design, students were divided into 2 classes depending on the split class arrangement.


A 17-hour TOEIC Bridge programme was held with 7 sessions on 24th & 31st Mar, 14th & 21st Apr and 5th, 15th & 26th May 2012.

This programme consisted of 9-hours TOEIC Bridge course which conducted by Smart Education Co. Limited, a duration of 8-hour training revision offered by the school English teacher Mr Lau Chi-fai as well as 1.5-hour TOEIC Bridge Test conducted on 26th May 2012. For the test format, it consists of MC questions in Listening and Reading respectively.

It was encouraged that 30 students joined the course who including twenty-five of F.3 students and five of F.4 students. Overall, students were excited about the English test because of the international recognition of the English proficiency. And some of them showed their interested in sitting the TOEIC test next year.


20120929 002Our school launched the second stage of the Cambridge English Test - KET for Schools, from 29th September 2012 to 17th November 2012. The actual examination was held on 24th November 2012 that was organized by the University of Cambridge ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages).

Same as the first stage, a 12.5-hour training programme was held with 8 sessions during Sep to Nov 2012 which focused on Reading and Writing, Listening and Speaking, and the thematic vocabulary. Also, it was conducted in a Wanchai Education Centre every Saturday morning and lasted for 2 months.



Buddhist Ho Nam Kam College


Address: 3, Ko Chiu Road, Yau Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

電話 | Telephone:23400871

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電郵 | Email:enquiry@bhnkc.edu.hk