21-22 English Teachers:
001. Mr. Chiu Hon Kwong (Subject Panel)
002. Ms. Chan Ka Wing
003. Ms. Cheng Sau Chun
004. Ms. Fan Yuet Chun (Junior-form Subject Panel)
005. Mr. Lau Chi Fai
006. Ms. Law Wai Kwan 
007. Mr. Lou Chak Ming, Ernest (Native English Teacher)
008. Mr. Lui Kwan Ming
009. Ms. Ng Siu Man 
010. Ms. Siu Suk Fan 
011. Ms. Tsang Sze Man
012. Ms. Wong King Yue 
013. Ms. Yan Shuk Har 
014. Ms. Yiu Tai Lin

A proverb says ‘No pain, no gain’. Yet, learning English can be an amusing process instead of being a painful one. English Department first launched a calligraphy competition in which each form was assigned with five ‘Sayings of Wisdom’. Not only did students practice writing the sayings, they also read aloud to English teachers and English ambassadors during lunch time to collect stamps.
List of winners of the calligraphy competition was announced on 27 September. Overall champions for junior form and senior form are 1A Zhan Xilian and 5A Kwok Kam Pui respectively. Congratulations to the winners!
There are yet more to come. Stay tuned for the announcements from the English Department. Remember one of the sayings, ‘when there is a will, there is a way.’ English Department offers multiple ways to make learning happen in a much more entertaining way. Keep your Reading Card to collect the stamps. The more stamps you collect, the more prizes you get!

On Saturday 25th of March 2023, twenty-two junior form students took part in the AFS Intercultural Fair. They had a great opportunity to interact with exchange students, aged from 14 to 16, from France, Spain, Poland, Italy, Hungary, Brazil and Japan. Apart from attending presentations of various cultures, our students enjoyed great fun with dancing and playing games which are originated from respective countries. The two-and-a-half-hour event ended with photo-taking, and exchanging social media contacts. 
All participating students were enthusiastic about chatting with the exchange students to know about their lifestyles, and learning experiences in both Hong Kong and their home country. They valued such an occasion to use English as an international language for exchanging ideas, and welcoming foreign students to our city. Students feel inspired to go for an exchange programme in upcoming years.

英文科在萬聖節舉辦了不同的學習活動,例如:同學挑戰念英文詩句、英語填字遊戲(Crossword Puzzle),和傳統萬聖節活動「不給糖就搗蛋遊戲」(Trick or Treat) ,同學們在校園到處收集糖果,氣氛熱鬧。

Learning never ends! 學校希望在同學的成長中埋下各種優良的種子,特別是孕育同學學好英語的種子;讓同學好好裝備自己,未來更有自信和能力去掌握和擴寬不同的學習機會。

What a wonderful performance by our English Performance Club members as the guests MCs for this year's school Winter Concert. Of course, the special guest this year is Santa Claus, who came all the way from the North Pole. Santa presented students with gifts as he brightens up their mood just before the winter holidays. Check out the video introduction to the Winter Concert below!



Buddhist Ho Nam Kam College


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